stay-safeLadies! Have you ever felt in trouble and wished you had knowledge of how to defend yourself against male or female attackers? Want to learn how to keep that distance between yourself and the aggressor? We can help you achieve this in our classes in Liverpool.

Krav Maga Self Defence will give you the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with threats and physical attacks, which may occur on the street or at home. Because, threats faced by women differ to those faced by men, our on going classes teaches you how to defend against common chokes, grabs, bear-hugs and other attacks. These include fighting from the ground and what to do when confronted with weapons. You will learn to be aware of potential dangers and avoidance.

The program incorporates training methods to build womens’ fighting spirit and to train how to respond both mentally as well as physically and eliminating freezing in confrontation. It’s the same stuff the guys learn, but no guys!

We can also offer private and group tuition if you feel you would like to try Krav Maga and increase your confidence before joining our regular classes with the other guys and girls.