Learn how to defend yourself
Krav Maga Self Defence (combat action) – an effective, up-to-date Israeli hand-to-hand combat and self-defence system. It is easy in learning for men and women. This is not a martial art or a sport system. This is a tool for solving problems in extreme cases. It was developed in Israel, under realistic demands and conditions.
Krav Maga Self Defence prepares the trainees in the subjects of self-defence, self-protection, fighting and combat skills, as well as skills to defend others, all in unique and comprehensive teachings and way. Today it is used in a lot of Special Forces worldwide and considered to be the best combat system.
Why learn KRAV MAGA ?
Krav Maga Self Defence is a simple, direct and effective self-defence system based on natural human reactions.
Training in Krav Maga will strengthen your natural abilities enabling you to:
- Develop more awareness of your environment
- Avoid confrontation
- Deal with the danger at it’s early stage
- Respond to situations in an appropriate and effective manner
- Krav Maga Self Defence is not just about fighting; it is about recognising a problem before it escalates, finding solutions quickly and effectively and what to do after the event has happened such as escaping, reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities, checking yourself for injuries and dealing with the stress.
It is actually very possible to learn real self-defense techniques that you can use to save your life in the event of an attack. Try out one of our self defense classes.
Using practical techniques in real life situations your Krav Maga training will allow you to protect yourself by taking control of any situation . Training with us gives you opportunity to train with the best qualified instructor in the North west of England who takes regular (minimum once a month) update training with expert level instructors in the UK as well as top instructors from Israel minimum two times a year to ensure teaching standards and technical skills are maintained and remain at the highest level.
Our Instructors are qualified in first aid and fully insured, essential for a safe training environment, active within the KMG and listed on the UK Register of Self Protection Instructors and holds public liability and personal indemnity insurance.